Spirituality/Belief • Education
Welcome to StoaLogos on Locals, your destination for exploring Stoic philosophy and building community focused on its practical application. Created to share the timeless wisdom of Stoics like Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius, this space features online classes and group discussions, as well as writings bridging theory and tangible self-improvement. Ideal for newcomers and seasoned Stoics alike looking for community support and tools for personal growth.
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December 22, 2024
Sunday Stoa XLV

Join us this Sunday, December 22nd for the forty-fifth Sunday Stoa!

We'll kick things off at 4pm EST with 10 minutes of guided meditation, followed by 15 minutes of reflection journaling or doing a Stoic writing practice. If you'd like to skip the meditation and journaling, please join us at 4:30pm. After that, we'll use a combination of break out groups and larger group discussion to go deeper into a specific topic.

This week, we'll be listening to Letter 18 from Seneca's Letters from a Stoic, On Festivals and Fasting, and then discussing the ideas it puts forth.

Here's the video and text if you want to check it out before Sunday:

Click here to join the event:

If you're all caught up on your meditation and journaling and want to skip right to the discussion, please join at 4:30pm

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December 30, 2024
Join the New Site!

I'm going to stop using this site and switch over to a more interactive version at Please use the link below to join!

December 26, 2024
Sunday Stoa XLVI

Join us this Sunday, December 29th for the forty-sixth Sunday Stoa!

We'll kick things off at 4pm EST with 10 minutes of guided meditation, followed by 15 minutes of reflection journaling or doing a Stoic writing practice. If you'd like to skip the meditation and journaling, please join us at 4:30pm. After that, we'll use a combination of break out groups and larger group discussion to go deeper into a specific topic.

This weeks theme is progress: we'll be listening to Letter 32 from Seneca's Letters from a Stoic, and Book 1, Chapter 4 of the Discourses of Epictetus, and then discussing the ideas they puts forth.

Here's the and text if you want to check it out before Sunday:,_the_Discourses_as_reported_by_Arrian,_the_Manual,_and_Fragments/Book_1/Chapter_4

Click here to join the event:

If you're all caught up on your meditation and journaling ...

December 11, 2024
Sunday Stoa XLIV

Join us this Sunday, December 15th for the forty-fourth Sunday Stoa!

We'll kick things off at 4pm EST with 10 minutes of guided meditation, followed by 15 minutes of reflection journaling or doing a Stoic writing practice. If you'd like to skip the meditation and journaling, please join us at 4:30pm. After that, we'll use a combination of break out groups and larger group discussion to go deeper into a specific topic.

This week, we'll be listening to Letter 92 from Seneca's Letters from a Stoic, On the Happy Life, and then discussing the ideas it puts forth.

Here's the video and text if you want to check it out before Sunday:

Click here to join the event:

If you're all caught up on your meditation and journaling and want to skip right to the discussion, please join at 4:30pm

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